Sunday, January 4, 2009

US to Support All Student Visa Interviews

The US visa office in New Delhi is helpful all requests for student visa interviews within three weeks, said US State Department’s Non-Immigrant Visa Chief Sally Ironfield.

This is in contrast to post 9/11, when there was a sharp decline in clearing the number of student visa applications and visa procedures too were made strict, she said adding, “We are now on an upswing and on track to outpace last year’s number of 18,000 student visas issued.”

In a web chat hosted at the American Center she said, “The reprsesentative period prior to studies in the United States in which a student may relate for a visa is 120 days, and that the visa office in New Delhi is at present accommodating all requests for student visa interviews within three weeks.”

India has been the leading country of origin for international students in the United States for the fourth following year, Iron field said.