Monday, January 5, 2009

Guideline of Studies MBA

MBA program at the TU Munich imparts to its students the ability to recognize, solve and analyze economic
and business-related problems using scientific methods. Independent scientific working habits are promoted
with project studies and a final thesis. In these studies, the theoretical and practice-oriented transmission of
management knowledge into an international context gains particular importance. The goal is to meet all the
requirements and qualifications that prepare for a leading position in the business world.
1. Prerequisites for admission
The research study MBA-program requires either a baccalaureate, diploma or masters degree from a German
scientific university, or a diploma / masters degree (final grade has to be at least a “B”) from a technical college.
The acquired degree has to be either in the following fields of studies
agricultural science - computer science
architecture - mechanical engineering
structural engineering - mathematics
biology - finance- and economic mathematics
brewery and beverage technology - technological mathematics
chemistry -physics
chemical engineering - technology and bio-technology of food
electrical engineering and information technology - surveying
or from a comparable field of studies.
The examination board decides about the eligibility of the fields of studies as well as about the equivalence of a
foreign baccalaureate, diploma and masters degrees.
Current chairman of the examination board:
Prof. Dr. jur. Christoph Ann, LL.M (Duke)
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsrecht und Geistiges Eigentum
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Tel. 089 / 289 – 28662
The aptitude evaluation process determines the admission to the program. A description of this process is
available in the advisory offices beginning on May 15th of each year. Besides submitting the application form to
the matriculation office on time, candidates must apply for the aptitude evaluation process (see also information
brochure Aptitude Evaluation Process). Only those applicants who successfully pass the qualification as well as
the aptitude evaluation will be admitted.
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2. Begin of Studies, Registration
The research studies start during the winter semester.
The registration for the MBA takes place directly at the Technical University Munich. The registration forms can
be requested beginning on May 15th of each year from the following address:
Immatrikulationsamt der
Technischen Universität München
Zentralabteilung 1
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
Phone: +49 89-289-22244
Registration date for the MBA application is July 15th of each year.
This date must be strictly adhered to; late applications will not be considered. The diploma from the previous
degree studies must be delivered no later than the matriculation date (usually just before the beginning of
3. Organization and Course of MBA
The MBA-program is a full-time study. The regular study time totals 4 semesters. The lectures are primarily
conducted in the German language.
1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester
Core Instructions Management Methods
c a s e s tu d ie s
Project Studies Master’s Thesis
3.1 Core Instructions of Law and Economics:
The core instructions will prepare the student for the in-depth study of the research work during the main course
of studies.
fundamental principles of general business administration
methods of business economics
fundamental principles of specific business administration
fundamental principles of economics
fundamental principles of jurisprudence
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3.2 Management Methods:
The management methods deepen the fundamental principles of the core instructions and are to be selected
and combined by each student. The following categories are offered:
- accounting and auditing - marketing and sales management
- controlling - personnel management
- service management - production management
- purchase management - project management
- finance management - quality management
- management and organization - company evaluation
- information- and communications management - business management
- innovations- and technology management - business start-up
- international management - company cooperation and mergers
- investment management - business planning
- communication competence - operation and methods of company controlling
- logistics - knowledge management
3.3 Electives
The electives support and intensify the specific subjects and are offered in the form of lectures, progress
reports, tutorials and seminars. Each student must choose two of the following electives:
- Industrial and Organizational Psychology of International Business Relations
Socio-technical Systems Logistics
- Accounting - Auditing – Consulting Management of Technical Companies
- Service Management Planning and Design of Production Companies
- Geography Business Law
- Real Estate Economy Politics of Business and Finance
- Information, Organization and Management
3.4 Project Studies
The project studies require active participation in a research or praxis project.
3.5 Master’s Thesis
The master’s thesis is a free scientific paper that has to be written within six months.
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3.6 Performance Evaluation
Grades and performance points are awarded for single examinations and academic performances. The diploma
exam is successfully concluded with the collection of 100 credit points. The maximum of 100 credit points is
compiled as follows:
fundamental principles of law and economic sciences 20 credit points
management methods 16 credit points
electives (according to own main focus either in the fundamental principles 12 credit points
of law and economic science and / or in management methods)
elective I 12 credit points
elective II 12 credit points
project studies 10 credit points
master’s thesis 10 credit points
defense of master’s thesis 8 credit points
100 credit points
Generally, it is possible to collect credit points at foreign universities. The examination board decides about their
individual approval.
4. Completion of Course of Studies (degrees)
Master of Science (Industrial and Agricultural Engineering)
Master of Science (Industrial and Biological Engineering)
Master of Science (Industrial and Chemical Engineering)
Master of Science (Industrial and Geological Engineering)
Master of Science (Industrial Engineering)
Master of Science (Industrial and Computer Sciences)
Master of Science (Industrial and Mathematics Sciences)
Master of Science (Industrial and Physics Engineering)
5. Statutory Basis
The following statutes (in their current versions) are the legal basis for the MBA-program of the TU Munich:
Course Study Regulations for the MBA
Regulations regarding the professional examinations for the MBA
General Regulations for Academic Certification (ADPO)
Decisions of the examination board
6. Internships
Internships are possible but have to be organized by the students themselves.
7. Tuition Fees
Apart from the usual student administration fee for the MBA-program no other tuition fees are demanded.
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8. Further Information
General, long term-important information:
Current information:
study guide:
Study council for MBA:
Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Elisabeth Sachers
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Unternehmensführung, Logistik und
Leopoldstr. 145
80804 München
Tel. 089 / 289 – 240 09
Dean of studies for MBA :
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. habil. Dr. h. c. Horst Wildemann
Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Unternehmensführung, Logistik und
Leopoldstr. 145
80804 München
Tel. 089 / 289 – 240 00
Secretary to the examination board:
Akademischer Oberrat Eberhard Böttcher
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsrecht und Geistiges Eigentum
Prof. Dr. jur. Christoph Ann, LL.M (Duke)
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Tel. 089 / 289 – 226 63
Students of the MBA department:
Fachschaft MBA
Arcisstraße 19, Zi. 007
80290 München
Additional information for foreign students:
Akademisches Auslandsamt der TU München
Gabelsbergerstrasse 39
80290 München
Tel. 089 / 289 – 221 34
Fax: 089 / 289 – 228 70