To check the progress on an request, if you have not heard within the current 5-10 working days processing time, please track your application through the VFS website. You will have been given these details and a location number when you submitted your application. If after 10 working days your application is still listed as being at the High Commission then please emails us. We should pressure that candidate should only email after 10 working days have beyond. The only email address What happens next? Once a visa officer has assessed your application, they will choose to:Issue your visa refuse your visa or invite you for an interview. This process is the same whether you are applying for a settlement visa or a non-settlement visa. If an interview is required you will be contact by a member of UK visas staff in Pretoria and you will be given a date and time for your interview.
Where are interviews held?
At the British High Commission in Pretoria
What to take to the interview
Take the interview letter and any original documents (as well as photocopies of these) which you did not send with your application.
After the interview
At the end of the interview, we will tell you whether your visa will be issued, or whether your application has been refused. If we issue the visa You will receive your passport and visa back soon after your interview.
If we refuse the visa
Your passport and other documents will be handed over to you at the British High Commission after the interview or they will be returned to you by VFS with reasons for refusal clearly provided. General information We cannot refund visa fees once you have paid them.
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